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Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
Special Issue on International Shared Aquifer Resources Assessment and Management
Edited by Alfonso Rivera, Lucila Candela
Volume 20, Pages 1-158 (December 2018)


001-004 Editorial for the Special Issue on the International Shared Aquifer Resources Assessment and Management


005-014 Fifteen-year experiences of the internationally shared aquifer resources management initiative (ISARM) of UNESCO at the global scale
Alfonso Rivera, Lucila Candela 


015-020 Legal frameworks for the governance of international transboundary aquifers: Pre- and post-ISARM experience
Stefano Burchi


021-034 Transboundary aquifers of Africa: Review of the current state of knowledge and progress towards sustainable development and management
Geert-Jan Nijsten, Greg Christelis, Karen G. Villholth, Eberhard Braune, Cheikh Bécaye Gaye


035-048 A national approach to systematic transboundary aquifer assessment and conceptualization at relevant scales: A Malawi case study
Christina M. Fraser, Robert M. Kalin, Michael O. Rivett, MacPherson Nkhata, Modesta Kanjaye


049-059 The Guarani Aquifer System: From a Beacon of hope to a question mark in the governance of transboundary aquifers
Francesco Sindico, Ricardo Hirata, Alberto Manganelli


060-073 Findings and lessons learned from the assessment of the Mexico-United States transboundary San Pedro and Santa Cruz aquifers: The utility of social science in applied hydrologic research
J.B. Callegary, S.B. Megdal, E.M. Tapia Villaseñor, J.D. Petersen-Perlman, I. Minjárez Sosa, R. Monreal, F. Gray, F. Grijalva Noriega


074-102 Transboundary aquifers between Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas, Mexico, and Texas, USA: Identification and categorization
Rosario Sanchez, Laura Rodriguez, Cecilia Tortajada


103-115 Assessment of transboundary aquifer resources in Asia: Status and progress towards sustainable groundwater management
Eunhee Lee, Ramasamy Jayakumar, Sangam Shrestha, Zaisheng Han


116-127 The Genevese transboundary aquifer (Switzerland-France): The secret of 40 years of successful management
Gabriel de los Cobos


128-144 The upper pannonian thermal aquifer: Cross border cooperation as an essential step to transboundary groundwater management
Teodora Szocs, Nina Rman, Ágnes Rotár-Szalkai, György Tóth, Andrej Lapanje, Radovan Černák, Annamária Nádor


145-157 Development of cooperation on managing transboundary groundwaters in the pan-European region: The role of international frameworks and joint assessments
Annukka Lipponen, John Chilton



ISARM Programme

Global maps, regional cooperation and local inventories descarga

Edited by S. Puri and A. Aureli
International Hydrological Programme
Division of Water Sciences